Six teenage ninja are destined to protect Ninjago Island from evil. Through epic adventures, the brave ninja uncover secrets and take steps towards becoming masters of Spinjitzu.
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Rise of the Snakes
The four Ninja are snapped out of their post-hero complacency when Lord Garmadon's young son Lloyd shows up and tries to pick up where his father left off.
Back in training mode with the looming threat of Lloyd and the Hypnobrai, Zane wanders after a Falcon and lands himself in a heap of trouble.
Lloyd, having been kicked out of the Hynobrai snake tribe unlocks a second tribe – The Fangpyres – to help him regain control.
Never Trust a Snake
After the Fangpyres join forces with the Hypnobrai, Lloyd awakens Pythor – the last remaining snake of the Anacondrai tribe.
Can of Worms
Lloyd moves in and tries helping with chores, but he just gets in the way. Pythor has awoken the Vipoids and the Constrictaurs and an all out snake war has taken over Ninjago.